Adoption and outcomes of sustainable winegrowing practices in NZ.
This sub-project part of the Wine case study is managed by Dr Marion Sautier and Dr Katharine Legun. The purpose of this project is to review the outcomes of the SWNZ programme. This includes direct, intentional outcomes as well as outcomes that may not be explicit in the SWNZ mandate or purpose. After collecting and analysing data from interviews and a literature review, a draft operational report was issued in June 2015 and shared with NZ Winegrowers. The report reviews challenges and opportunities for the future of SWNZ. It is also looking at the development of SWNZ historically, and how its emergence and evolution has influenced and been influenced by changes in the New Zealand wine industry more broadly.
Finally, further studies (scoping the diversity of member needs, assessing the impact of a future Sustainable Winegrowing NZ programme, studying the impact of metrologies) and initiatives (deploying regional delegates of SWNZ, developing scenario for the industry) are recommended to enhance the value of SWNZ for participants. |
Poster "Adoption and outcomes of sustainable winegrowing practices in NZ" - Prepared for the Stakeholder workshop - 6 August 2015
Related information
A paper on this Adoption research project from Marion, Katharine and Hugh has been accepted to 2 conferences this year:
- 1-4 November 2015, Barcelona, Spain. Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference.
- 6-9 December 2015, Queenstown. Agrifood XXII Conference.